How to increase your blog traffic? Learn 5 proven ways to do it

how to increase your blog traffic

Despite the effort put into running your own website, you do not know how to increase the traffic on your blog? In this post I reveal five proven ways to attract more visitors.

Where to set up a blog? Comparison of Blogger and WordPress

I’m well aware that the development of the website is one of the priorities of every blogger. In times of considerable competition it is really hard to break through and be noticed. To be honest, I still haven’t succeeded, but the SIMPLISTIC statistics clearly show me that I’m going in the right direction and that I’m finally doing what I need to do.

Below I briefly describe five issues that have significantly contributed to the growth of my blog statistics. If you feel that you are standing still and you do not know what to do to make your website gain new customers, I encourage you to read it. :)


Pay attention to SEO. Really! Since optimizing search engine content has become an important aspect for me when I create it, the number of visits to the website via Google has increased from 22.3% to 53.5%, as can be seen in the summary below.

how to increase your blog traffic

And believe me, SEO isn’t as scary as they paint it! There’s so much information on the internet now that everyone can understand it.

Remember to install a plugin that will make it much easier for you to write posts including positioning. I use Yoast SEO and I highly recommend it. :)

Publish posts regularly. At the beginning of the year I challenged myself to publish posts every weekend and I can proudly admit that only last week I was not able to do it (instead the post appeared on Monday), which was caused by moving.

Why should I pay attention to this? Apparently Google values websites that are updated on an ongoing basis. In addition, you will gain respect among blog readers, who will surely appreciate the fact that you regularly provide them with new content and devote time to the development of the site. And last but not least, you will develop a useful habit of regularity.

Share links to older but popular blog entries. This is a simple procedure, which unfortunately we often forget about, and which is especially useful when you publish posts e.g. once a week, just like me. I care about not throwing anything on the blog, so I imposed myself a restriction, which works for me very well, but I think that everyone should test on themselves, what number of entries per week is the most optimal for them.

How to increase traffic on the blog by returning to older content? When a new post appears on your blog, you are sure to share it wherever you can. Naturally, the information about the news will not reach everyone, but how many times can you inform readers about the fact that there is a new entry on the site? In addition, not everyone will be interested in the subject matter it is devoted to, so it is worth checking which content on your site was the most read by the audience and from time to time remind them of them by sharing links in social media.

Thanks to this you will encourage Internet users to return to your blog, maybe you will gain new readers, and certainly increase your website statistics (I know what I’m saying). :)

how to increase your blog traffic

Comment on the other blogs. This is one of the most time-consuming activities – after all, you have to read a post first to leave a comment on it later – but it’s worth spending all your time reading articles published on other blogs.

First of all: it happens that the author of a given page will come to yours to meet the creator of a given comment, secondly: other commentators also often look at blogs of people who took part in the discussion, thirdly: by reading content from others you will get ideas for new entries yourself.

Regularly analyze your blog’s statistics. Probably the most boring aspect of having your own website (not without a reason was at the end), but as important as its predecessors. Well, how to develop a blog without analyzing your actions and checking which of them bring the most benefits?

I myself most often pay attention to which pages I have the most redirections from. Thanks to this I can see that commenting on posts on blog X I gain a lot of entries, and I don’t gain anything by spending time on posting reviews on blog Y. Naturally, it is worth remembering that numbers are not everything and if you are really interested in a blog and you like its author, it is better to put on a relationship than benefits in Google Analytics. ;)

As I mentioned at the beginning – my blog is not popular, but I stopped paying attention to it, comparing myself with others rarely brings good results. Instead, I check the development of the website (and mine) by analyzing its statistics in relation to what they looked like a few months ago.

Below you can see a screenshot of the comparison of the number of unique SIMPLISTIC users. Their increase is a result of my implementation of the actions described above. I think I don’t need to convince you about their effectiveness anymore. :)

how to increase your blog traffic

Be sure to write whether you are using any of the ways I presented to you, how to increase your blog traffic. Or maybe you know some other, proven methods?


  1. I’m just afraid that I can not deal with SEO. Because the rest of the points I try to take to myself.

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